The war in Europe ended on 8th May 1945. The 4th Lincolns left Arnhem on 23rd May and looked from their vehicles with interest as they drove a hundred miles into Germany. The countryside looked peaceful enough, but here and there were scenes of utter devastation, marking some position or other which the Germans had vainly tried to defend in the 2nd Army's drive to Hamburg and the Baltic. They arrived at Glandorf, a small town not far from Osnabruck. The war hadn't seemed to have affected this part of Germany at all. The land was rich with an abundance of produce and livestock and the people were well fed and extremely well dressed. The men's attention was soon drawn to the excellent silk stockings which every fraulein seemed to be wearing. It was soon discovered that the 2nd Lincolns, who had been in Bremen on VE Day, were now in a village just down the road 12 miles away and transport was laid on for reciprocal visits between the two battalions.